As a contract designer, I worked with Ace on campaigns such as Ace Rewards Days and Holiday 2023.
I also laid out product pages and redesigned organizational pages for

Landing Pages for desktop & mobile, email & one-page product layouts. I built upon existing Ace brand libraries to create recognizable yet interesting assets.

Rewards Days is Ace's response to Amazon's Prime Days and required a bold, disruptive design to stand out.
Using existing brand elements such as stars and the proprietary colors, I created an energetic design while staying true to the all-American simplicity of Ace.
Landing Page banners for desktop & mobile, email.

Ace Holiday Campaigns showcase a large variety of products. I chose a gingham that changes color throughout the campaign to signify the different deals for holiday, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  The textured pattern brings a  traditional feel to the digital space for the holidays. These campaigns need to accommodate a large variety of products so the rest leans on the design system to keep things simple and easy to use.

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